And truly, The Hat is like one of those secrets that you’re dying to know about. To all outward appearances, this diner-style burger joint seems like any other, boasting about its “World Famous [insert food here].” But The Hat’s “World Famous Pastrami” could really be the best pastrami outside of New York state. Really.
The restaurant’s simple menu includes things like the juicy and filling Pastrami Dip ($6.99), chili dogs ($3.39), burgers of all sorts – chesseburgers, chiliburgers, double-burgers, junior burgers (from $2.89-$6.99), and a number of cold sandwiches ($5.09-$6.99).
But the secrets keep coming: what is not listed on the menu is the option to add The Hat’s famous pastrami to anything else; for example, ordering the chili cheese fries ($4.79 originally) with a whole lotta meaty pastrami dumped on top = chili cheese pastrami fries (requires at least 3 people to consume and costs extra.)
When I walked in with three friends, we saw many people attempting this feat (eating the chili cheese pastrami fries, which could fill the bottom of a grocery sized paper bag with its cheesy, fatty goodness), and hoped we could achieve the same.
After ordering the chili cheese pastrami fries, we foolishly ordered two pastrami dips to share on top of the fries – just in case…in case thousands of calories was not enough to fill us up, I suppose. I’ve since learned my lesson, though the Pastrami Dip was filled with pastrami sliced impossibly thin, seasoned and radiating with flavor in a delicious submarine roll that made your fingers greasy.
As for us, you’ll be happy to know that we made it to the end.
But I have a challenge for you: let me know if you can do the same.

The Hat
Los Angeles, Orange County
See website for locations and hours