Next up on the Boston agenda: oysters and beer.
The great thing about traveling with locals is they (hopefully) don’t stop at giving you the average, run-of-the-mill tours of their town. The great thing about traveling with Amy and Jon is they also really love good food, so I felt like a winner all-around.
The day I had my first Boston oysters (and my first oysters of my life) was, naturally, a day when the heavens overflowed with rain all day long, the wind blew horizontally, and our umbrellas were mercilessly destroyed. We were soaked through, so much so that the windows on the train got all steamed up from the dampness (yuck) and we could hardly see where our stop was.
Somehow we made it to Legal Seafoods on the outskirts of Harvard Square — a little worse for the wear, but happy and ready for our dozen oysters (and brews).
Now, this is a true Frugal Nosh find: the oysters were 6 for $6 during happy hour (if I remember correctly). Give them a call to double check that the special is still happening, and during what times.

Legal Seafoods
20 University Road Cambridge , MA 02138